Saturday, October 2, 2010

Week 8 - Your final class/essay options

We will be required to accomplish the following items in our final class (Week 8) this Wednesday:
  • Student Reflection Essay generated at home and 'brought' or uploaded to class for printing. I have even provided the option of printing this 'refection' at home, which is a consideration as well. Include your name and make sure to generate an 'opening statement' about something you've discovered or are working toward (goal development).

  • Student Response to Essay 2 (questions below) generated in class using notes, word processing software and printing. I will ask that you also provide me with a digital 'copy' of this file for part of my content development.

  • Student Personal Development Survey will be used as a primer to your reflection of this class in an assessment of your own learning. These WILL be handed back to me at the end of class as another 'method' of assessment.

  • Student Classroom Surveys You will be asked to give a review of this class to the administration, which I will NOT be viewing until after grades are posted. Someone will be responsible for dropping these off at Mineral Hall for me as to avoid my being 'influenced' in posting your final grade. Volunteers???

  • Closing for Week 8 - A reflection of things to come... (use this for Essay 1
    In these eight short weeks I have to admit that I feel I've learned just as much as you all were introduced to in regard to content.
  • Initially we explored HTML (as to) how Web Pages are generated.

  • We looked into image editing and resolution to resize images, not for print, but for uploading to the Interenet and incorporating in our own web page designs.

  • We looked into video and its ability to be edited using various software and compression techniques (interpolations) to resize and even reformat upload and download content to the web. Other various softwares (YouTube's 'VideoGrab', Adobe's 'Media Encoder', and even 'FLV Crunch' were all presented as options). What we came to discover was that its just as much about a 1) courtesy to the viewer as a download it is to 2) saving storage space on your own computers hard drive. Your efforts will be appreciated rather than someone needing to continually 'purge' their email or not require to download any additonal 'plug-ins' for viewing your content (especially if its in either a .mov, .api, or .flv format).

    For some of you this is a close to your experience with KCAI's Media Certificate Program. For others, a continuation - and yet, for some, this is just the beginning of your voyage to discovery - or as I like to term it "shakin' hands with the devil" that is technology. I wish you all the best of luck in the potential for its usage or direction in a future (career) path.

    - Alex

    Now on to the subject at hand...

    (Essay 1 - 'Reflection or Goal setting') Hopefully the paragraph above has served to inspire you regarding content for your 'reflection' paragraph. As indicated in class on Wednesday (week 7), I want you all to consider what has served you for inspiration over the course of the last eight weeks. Please write your answers checking for proper spelling, punctuation and (in bold - preferably) highlight your vocabulary that emphasizes the topic (or topics) on which you choose to reflect. Make an opening statement that is supported by one to two paragraphs (or more) and: email, post on this blog, or be prepared to print (or print prior to/)in class on Wednesday (week 8).

    (Essay 2 - prepare to answer one of the following questions in class on Wednesday (week 8)):
    These are also considered reflection questions to be answered in class on Wednesday (and not prior to). Notes will be allowed, but fully generated content will not! Be prepared to write on one of the following questions. Whatever length you choose in class, you will be limited to :30 minutes of class time. Responses will be both 'printed' in class and may count as a 'blog' posting, should you be able to access the web site/blog that evening. I would appreciate an electronic 'copy' of this file as well as the printed version.

    Answer one of the following:

    1) Please briefly describe the term 'Interactive Multimedia' as you've come to discover it through a 'comparison/contrast' to your former versus current understanding as a result of this class. Try and put all classroom vocabulary in bold if time permits.

    2) Please describe as many of the various uses of media in regard to 'video' that we explored in class:
  • IMovie (editing, transitions, titles, sound, etc.) / Final Cut Pro (introduction)

  • Flash Interactive GUI (graphic user interface)

  • Downloading/Uploading to/from YouTube ('Video Grabber')

  • Storyboarding a movie 'trailer' - describe what terminology/methods you discovered

  • Embedding 'links' (a href=) into an HTML webpage

  • Compressing video files into various formats (.mov, .flv, .mp4)

  • The importance assigned to (and consideration of) file size in generating content and storage.

  • Tonight's introduction to IDVD for offline content

  • 3) Formulate a direction (goal) based on both your classroom experience and area of interest utilizing 'Interactive Multimedia and the Web' that you may wish to pursue in the next year. Is it animation, graphic design (online) through website development, or multimedia video editing? Is there something I left out as an option?

    Week 7 - Preparing for our last class

    Note: All 'bolded' items are the potential of vocabulary for using in your two final essay requirements. Refer to previous blogs or your classroom handouts for additional content.

    Two classes ago, we were given the pleasure of a Flash introduction by our working professional (Shell). The terms for software and layout of: stage, timeline, and library were used. Along with this, Shell alluded to keyframes and even motion tweens for animation where the software does the work that once took several hours or even days to create. Flash has the ability to generate HTML and JavaScript coding that it repackages as 'ActionScript' and is eventually rendered as a viewable (interactive) webpage through a .swf file when posted online through a server or saved to a CD-ROM or DVD for viewing offline, sending out (resume content) or storing your content as a backup.

    I am hoping to work with each of you, tonight (which we did already in Week 7)to finalize your multimedia project. Please realize that access to software specific multimedia content (ie Flash, IMovie, Photoshop) is not a requirement for this project's development. We have made it a point to look into programming languages such as HTML, CSS, and even some brief Java Script for contextual, though more content driven, presentations (web content). If this doesn't serve to inspire your 'direction' and future class considerations, be it animation, print, multimedia video editing, or web page design - I would consider this approach a failure in its development. Your opportunity to reflect on this goal will be made available in your first 'final' essay.

    Be prepared to bring a final reflection essay (electronically generated and saved to a Flash drive, email, or post to this blog). Printing your essay reflection in class is our goal. Uploading content or posting to this blog (at least twice) will suffice as one of our five classroom requirements and serve as part of your final grade for this class which also include:

    (The following is from MultimediaSyllabus.doc - Week 1/'ForStudents' folder)
    For successful completion of this course – students must demonstrate the following:
  • Storyboarding content (effective planning and implementation) – to “Know your audience”

  • DVD of a website (for online and offline content)

  • Understanding of files types and compression rates (image, sound, movie, web)

  • Understanding of options for software usage (tools for various softwares)

  • Knowing that effective planning includes ‘keeping it fresh’ (Google and ad space)

  • Blogging your experience (Gmail/Google account) – Students will be responsible for posting no less than 2 classroom experiences for classroom discussion/presentation.

  • I've referenced the need to complete something of a final project which will incorporate your knowledge (developed and applied) over the course of the last six/seven weeks. Be prepared to share this understanding in a short paragraph (or two) that you can generate at home (Essay 1)

    Your three Essay 2 options will be posted in the next blog (Week 8). Be sure to bring your notes and handouts to class as this will be content generated as another form of assessment. You will not be able to bring a completed essay for this second item, but rather reference 'notes' that respond to ONE of the upcoming three essay questions.

    We had a great close to Week 7 and I'm highly impressed by the willingness for each of you to consider and explore your own individual needs and directions from this 'introduction' class.

    Saturday, September 25, 2010

    Week 6 - on to Week 7

    One might say that 'epiphanies' only happen once in a 'Blue Moon' (which means about every 2.5 years according to the Mayan Calendar).

    I am impressed to say that our class is slowly coming to an end. With two classes to go, I am hoping that this is one of those momentous occasions where an 'epiphany' and a 'Blue Moon' come together.

    It is my hope and goal that this week we have content worthy of a 'lab class'. With this, we are on 'task' to completing a direction. I am going to encourage your bringing together ANY and ALL content that you may have considered worthy of a direction for the 'final project'. Therein my submission of the following recommendations:

    - Nadine: I consider your goal of a more 'staid' potential in finding your 'content' is certainly worthy of some documentation. If not; at least a resurrection. (Please find what you need to make next Wednesday a worthy opponent.) I look forward to your being able to edit some video (.mov) files.

    - Connor: If content is an issue, just understand that I think your initial proposal has won my vote for a direction. "Keepin' up with 'Finn'(?), I think was the 'little one's' name.

    - Shell: Its 'good luck' in future endeavors. Are you changing anything in the original that we all we're appreciative to share in on Wednesday. "Thank you from ALL of us for the content and presentation in Flash".

    - Gabriella: Sorry to miss you on Wednesday. We hope that ALL is well with you and your friend. Please bring in your DVD of your content regarding your goal of publishing 'active/streaming links' to a website. (this is my suggestion, only)

    - Alicia: Your working with generating a 'still frame movie' appeals to me. Its a good direction that you will have a LOT of potential to utilize later, once you upload it to the Internet. Please consider MUSIC file for a 'background'. Bring in either .aiff (CD-ROM) or .mp3 (online only, IPOD requires a download 'interface' that we don't have rights to.

    - Sharon: I am hoping (again) that your week is going well. I would like to see if we could orchestrate an 'upload' of a movie file (ie. your student's animations) as just ONE link that an 'online educational resume' (web site) might be able to generate. I just found a file/link that you should consider on a number of levels (not just for content, but for the 'scripting' involved): (copy and paste as the 'blog' won't allow .html or 'active links'. . .
    WAIT!!! What am I saying) You should ALL check this site out for some 'streaming' content. I really appreciate how one (online) movie (right side) links into the next. I'm checking out this code, for sure... (any takers on this as well?)

    - Di Anna: You have generated a 'movie' clip that, as mentioned to Alicia, can be utilized in a number of ways. It would be a goal to consider that understanding a variety of 'file types', 'interpolation devices' (eg. YouTube Downloader) can benefit you when it comes to further developing a website based on .html. A handful of 'tags' can get you a long way in developing a website. Let's consider what options are available for a commercial (online) web page and create a product that supports such a direction. I'm seeing something to do with storytelling. Please research 'storytelling' online (as a 'keyword' through a Google 'search engine' or even as a viable resource for research).

    I hope you all have enjoyed the content thus far. It is not that I'm without a small 'test' as part of your assessment. Please consider that responding to this site at least 'once' constitutes "a good thing". Otherwise, expect something from these last six weeks to show up in class for some credibility.


    Sunday, September 19, 2010

    Week 5 - anticipating week 6

    I know that I promised you all some content by Saturday for next week's class. What little I'm able to put in these few minutes should be worthy of some reflection (and possible research). There are no comments as to week 5 (last week) blog regarding your content development - so, again, I encourage your comments for each of the bullet points I've assigned you.

    There are two 'Activities' that I would like to you consider. I indicated that one of these is optional and the other is not (activity 1). If you are of the mindset to look further into these items, please feel free to post your comments for this week (hopefully prior to Wednesday night's class) in that I may have a chance to look at them and make some considerations for content.

    We will be looking at the Flash software for developing our interactive file content (GUI/Graphic User Interfaces), so you will need to be ready with your material: still images, movie files, hyperlinks and some plan for building additional content with lab time in class.

    File types we'll analyze ((Click here for some reference content)): .fla (Flash project), .swf (Flash Movie Script), and F4V (which is 'now' the ISO 'standard' for viewing video on the web). Just as .jpg (for digital image stills), .mov (for editing and uploading), now F4V stands to be a file type that we need to understand a little better if we are to truly understand "Multimedia and the Web".

    Thursday, September 16, 2010

    Week 4 - "There's so much to I've learned"
    (. . . and so much yet to learn)

    (from week 4 comments) . . . Seriously, you'll go nuts. Look for a quick review of class (from week 5) and further review of week 5 to follow by Saturday. So, be sure to check back (for week 6) and 'comment' on anything.
    . . . How's this week going, Sharon????

    Now on to a review of this and next week for content potential

    (NOT optional) Activity 1: .HTML (for Safari) - did anyone look?
    Some contextual elements for use in your website development: (A great ‘toolbox’ for exploration)
    (look for links to Safari Developer)

    Hint: Just be prepared to talk about this on Week 6. Alicia, I encourage the Safari demos site for you.

    Question??? Comments??? "What method did you consider to be both good for context (easy enough) and content (a little more difficult)."
    Second Question: "Is 'entertainment' content worthy?!!!

    (Optional) Activity 2: Review the 'file types' available for output (and 'resolution vs. file size' from week 2's blog). Comments!!!

    My personal apologies for the 'technical difficulties' (or, technical foul - since it is football season) in not having checked on Final Cut Pro (access) prior to class last night.

    I do want to 'thank you, ALL' for your patience and 'especial' "gracias" to Gabriela for providing the content for last night with her Final Cut 'trailer' edit and her sharing that knowledge with ALL of us. It was a 'workaround'; right, Nadine?

    A further review of week 5 to follow... So, be sure and check back with 'comments' on anything...

  • Connor, how's the PC Editing Software? Loading problems??? Let me know.
  • Di Anna, Good work at home with IMovie. Send us a link when you settle on an upload through
  • . . . Same for you, Sharon
  • Gabriela, please bring your DVD (Avid Work) and any 'links' next week (week 6).
  • Nadine, just continue to consider CSS as a 'web page' since your work is also in print.
  • Shell, 'THINK FLASH' and we'll look at anything you have to 'offer' from your professional experience as well as your current rendering (.swf) on Wednesday.
  • Alicia, again - the potential that Safari has to offer in 'programming' will define your webpage, IMovie (of your images), maps to locations (a cool 'tag' for sure) and other opportunities for multimedia development.

    Signing off, for now!!! A great class on Wednesday - Thanks again for all of your support of me and each other...

    (Note: the above is an html edited blog using a simple HTML editor - through
  • Saturday, September 11, 2010

    Week 4 - YouTube downloads and IMovie

    Please reference the Week4 folder for content regarding this week’s entry. Otherwise, the following handouts were provided in class and have been updated on the ‘resources’ entry from week 3.

  • Week 4 Introduction and content (This includes the IMovie content)

  • Acceptable Quicktime Formats (file types that Quicktime will open)

  • A Bunch of Research Links that are worthy of a look.

  • Click on image (left) to view larger
    *note - not a consideration of user 'bitrate'?  Why?
    Part 1 - Downloading the .flv movie and converting to a .mov for editing in IMovie
    We successfully accessed a file transfer protocol (FTP) download from YouTube using “YouTube Video Grabber”, which is called a ‘transcoding software’.
    The purpose of ‘transcoding’ (software) allows the user:

    1) to alter the file type for compatibility with other types of software or even operating systems such as PC vs. Mac.  We altered an .flv download from YouTube to a .mov for use in IMovie.

    2) to resize the digital image or video file resulting in a ‘lossy’ process reduces file size.
    This process benefits user storage, thereby upload and download speeds, and the potential of usability is improved.

    In the process of converting the .flv (which is standard encoding for YouTube video uploads) we were able to discuss:

    Ratios – included HD (High definition/widescreen) format 16:9 and SD (standard television) format 4:3.

    *Note: for the ‘trailers’ we utilized the transcoding software to render it in a format ratio that retained its ‘widescreen’ (HD) origins (eg. 391 x 220).

    Conversion – to .mov for editing in IMovie. Video files that are able to be brought into IMovie include 1) .avi (a video compression format when using a recording device such as a digital still camera/video option or current camcorders that operate ‘tapeless’.
    2) .mov (Quicktime) format which I alluded to as the .jpg of video.

    Questions were posed of other format options which I will defer to the list of Quicktime video and audio files under Acceptable Quicktime Formats">Week4/Media formats…’

    Part 2 – Editing in IMovie / (see notes from class for goals): Intro to Week 4 handout

    Saturday, September 4, 2010

    Week 3 - Recap

    Week 3 – Blog entry

    It’s been a busy week. My apologies for the last class seeming somewhat limited in its content, but lets examine ‘what’ we were able to consider for content and my suggestions for you regarding your ‘direction’.

    I demonstrated various ‘HTML editors’ which include: Dreamweaver, E (text editor), Microsoft FrontPage, HotDog, Homesite, Nvu, Tidy, and GoLive. (Flash’s ‘Action Script’ which includes templates for setting up individual elements (eg. buttons) and larger, more intricate items such as multimedia interfaces.  Please read the following very hand Wikipedia reference regarding HTML editors (

    • Example found on Week3/PortfolioTemplate/PortfolioAlex.fla *rendered as an .swf file for viewing in browser or future upload/download potential)
    • Additional considerations were given to a “GoLive” HTML file, posted under Week3/UsingGoLive.html which accesses the portfolio images by category (Week3/PortfolioTemplate) in its scripting.
    • All of the content for these two HTMLs (underlined) is in your Week3 folder
    • The two HTMLs rendered utilize the 'tags': (a href=”image.jpg”) for a ‘hyperlink’ or (img src=”image.jpg”) for image link.
    •  Once rendered from the software these HTML scripts are fully editable in a plain ‘Text Editing’ software such as Macs “Text Edit” or a PCs “Notepad”.
    The second part of our class included an exercise in analyzing a ‘movie trailer’ for: transitions, titles, sound, music and other special effects that we may consider including in our own video editing of our final project.  Emulation is often the solution out of a consideration of time rather than ‘reinventing the wheel’, it may also serve to inspire you in your final project development.

    Some of you were able to demonstrate and discuss what direction you’ve started taking in creating your ‘final project’ content.  I applaud your efforts in working on material outside of class.  It seems to be an important element in demonstrating your understanding.  Connor, thanks for taking on the challenge of showing your redo of the script you were provided and taking on the additional duty of context manipulation.  Nadine, I am very impressed with your content development regarding the ‘millenial generation’ and look forward to knowing if interviews are going to be included.

    Next week (week 4):
                We will begin delving into ‘movie/video’ content potential utilizing the Mac’s ILife ’09 IMovie and IDVD softwares.  Please consider bringing any video that you want to work with (either burned to a DVD as video content for ‘compression’ / using the following formats: AVI, Quicktime, MPEG-2/3 or MPEG-4.  If you can’t download the file, be sure to bring in the content (including any ‘sound/music’ – rendered in a similar format or on a CD /.aif files can be resaved into MPEG files through GarageBand which is part of the ILife '09 Bundle).

    Goals for Week 4's class include:
    -       Discussing resolution and compression for recording, editing, and uploading purposes:
    -       Documentation (camcorder) Resolutions include: SD, DV, HD, HD1080i
    -       We will look at FLV and FV4 for later use in our GUI interface uploads
    -       Work with video compression using Adobe’s Media Encoder for editing and export. Compression formats include: MPEG-2/3/4 along with Quicktime and H:264
    - is a website for transcoding footage for import into a video editing (non-linear) software.
    -       With what we are able to develop next Wednesday in IMovie, expect that we will upload to YouTube for access in our HTML GUIs (using the proper ‘embed’ link).
    **Bring your video, sound, music or anything else you want to 'attempt' to incorporate in IMovie.