Saturday, October 2, 2010

Week 7 - Preparing for our last class

Note: All 'bolded' items are the potential of vocabulary for using in your two final essay requirements. Refer to previous blogs or your classroom handouts for additional content.

Two classes ago, we were given the pleasure of a Flash introduction by our working professional (Shell). The terms for software and layout of: stage, timeline, and library were used. Along with this, Shell alluded to keyframes and even motion tweens for animation where the software does the work that once took several hours or even days to create. Flash has the ability to generate HTML and JavaScript coding that it repackages as 'ActionScript' and is eventually rendered as a viewable (interactive) webpage through a .swf file when posted online through a server or saved to a CD-ROM or DVD for viewing offline, sending out (resume content) or storing your content as a backup.

I am hoping to work with each of you, tonight (which we did already in Week 7)to finalize your multimedia project. Please realize that access to software specific multimedia content (ie Flash, IMovie, Photoshop) is not a requirement for this project's development. We have made it a point to look into programming languages such as HTML, CSS, and even some brief Java Script for contextual, though more content driven, presentations (web content). If this doesn't serve to inspire your 'direction' and future class considerations, be it animation, print, multimedia video editing, or web page design - I would consider this approach a failure in its development. Your opportunity to reflect on this goal will be made available in your first 'final' essay.

Be prepared to bring a final reflection essay (electronically generated and saved to a Flash drive, email, or post to this blog). Printing your essay reflection in class is our goal. Uploading content or posting to this blog (at least twice) will suffice as one of our five classroom requirements and serve as part of your final grade for this class which also include:

(The following is from MultimediaSyllabus.doc - Week 1/'ForStudents' folder)
For successful completion of this course – students must demonstrate the following:
  • Storyboarding content (effective planning and implementation) – to “Know your audience”

  • DVD of a website (for online and offline content)

  • Understanding of files types and compression rates (image, sound, movie, web)

  • Understanding of options for software usage (tools for various softwares)

  • Knowing that effective planning includes ‘keeping it fresh’ (Google and ad space)

  • Blogging your experience (Gmail/Google account) – Students will be responsible for posting no less than 2 classroom experiences for classroom discussion/presentation.

  • I've referenced the need to complete something of a final project which will incorporate your knowledge (developed and applied) over the course of the last six/seven weeks. Be prepared to share this understanding in a short paragraph (or two) that you can generate at home (Essay 1)

    Your three Essay 2 options will be posted in the next blog (Week 8). Be sure to bring your notes and handouts to class as this will be content generated as another form of assessment. You will not be able to bring a completed essay for this second item, but rather reference 'notes' that respond to ONE of the upcoming three essay questions.

    We had a great close to Week 7 and I'm highly impressed by the willingness for each of you to consider and explore your own individual needs and directions from this 'introduction' class.

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